setting up

tactics: index|wizards|ingredients|creatures|spells

select a wizard

Your first choice is your wizard.

You'll want to pick a fast wizard, like the vampire lord, aurax (stickman) or vex

or a tough wizard like good dwarf or orgon

or a good all-rounder like gaion, melisius, the chaos priest or the chancellor

(or just someone good to look at like thrall or nadia (chaos) :)

But for other options, click here.

pick your spells

With your character options set up
you move on to the portmanteau to pick your spells.
It is a good idea before picking spells to decide on your game tactics - see playing the game.

You'll need some non-summoning spells to compliment your spell armoury.
It's important to have some offensive spells like dragon's breath or lightning
as well as some defensive spells like teleport or heal to get your wizard out of trouble.

Finally you'll need some summonable spells to produce creatures
Options here include the inexpensive but fast paced skeleton,
the mediumly expensive, but strong and agile minotaur,
and the very expensive but devastating dragon.
But for more options and tactical choices, click here.

now it's time to play the game

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